Thursday, May 10, 2018

Since I've been going to Open Sew with some friends, I decided I could use a sewing machine tote. I got it with some discount gift cards at Quality Sewing. Then, of course, I needed a project tote with a trolley sleeve. I had a little fabric left from my mini iron tote, so I used it, together with some other fabric that I purchased. I got the bag pattern from Etsy but changed the size, the construction of the straps (thanks to Vanessa, The Crafty Gemini), and added a water bottle pocket. I used a heavy foam batting which helps make the sides stand up, but was very cumbersome to sew the large main pattern piece. I did some ruler work quilting on the trolley sleeve, but just straight line quilting on the body of the tote. 

Once the tote was completed, I decided I should have a small project bag with a clear vinyl side, so I used some of the fabric scraps for  that. I found several free tutorials for reference.

Note my creative design element in
putting the zipper at the bottom of the bag. LOL

And lastly, I put binding on this little scrap from the
trolley sleeve to make a little mug rug.


  1. I loved how one thing leads to another!!! Very creative. Made me laugh out loud just reading what all you did.

    QuiltArtLover (Quilting Board)

  2. DJ, I didn't know what a trolly sleeve was, but now I understand!! That is a super sweet set up! Craft mobility in style!! That project bag pattern is brilliant!

  3. wonderful idea to carry your machine! and you are just ready to go with the smaller tote too
