Tuesday, May 22, 2018

It's never too early to be thinking about Christmas! I purchased these in-the-hoop stuffy ornaments from Embroidery Library (emblibrary.com), and I'm really pleased with how they turned out.

As you can see, I tried one on red felt with metallic silver stitching.


  1. I LOVE these! I had no idea what in-the-hoop meant until I went to the website and clicked on the Project Instructions. What kind of a machine do you use to do this? I am not a sewer but I will learn to make something like this! Do the instructions tell you the stitch type and color to use for the design? So pretty.

    1. Pamela ~ They are made on an embroidery machine. The pattern is a digital download from the website that you then upload to your embroidery machine. If you don't have an embroidery machine, you could probably duplicate something very similar with hand embroidery or even felt applique (but they would be pretty tiny pieces to applique).

  2. oh that is beautiful! it is gorgeous!
